Egyptian WebQuest


And welcome to your first archeological expedition.

You will be finding information about Egypt and writing the answers on the worksheet your teacher handed out in the beginning of class.

The worksheet will have a letter in a circle in each answer.   Put these letters together and you  will uncover the biggest mystery in all of Egypt.  You must read to find the solutions.

Let's begin!!!

1.  Another name for Pharaoh is _____________________.  Click here to find the answer.

2.  The Great ______________________ is  a large human headed statue with a lion body.  Click here to find the answer.

3.  This animal is one of ancient Egpyt's important animals.  Click here to find the answer.

4.  This is the type of writing they used in Pharaoh's time.  Click here to find the answer.

5.  There were ___________________ Kingdoms.    Click here to find the answer.

6.  The Egyptian people perserved their dead relatives by making them ______________________. Click here to find the answer.

7.  These places are the heart of the community in Egypt.  They were important in ancient times and today.  Click here to find the answer.